EVENT ADVISORY Music Week School Night Concert April 25, 2007 Music Week School Night Concert at Taco Bell Arena, Friday, April 27th, doors open at 6:30 p.m. Music Week School Night Concert will feature over 1,500 instrumental and vocal students, elementary through high school.(Information regarding the Thursday, April 26th rehearsal follows show info.)
Show Timeline
Entry and Seating
Open Entrances:
BSU On-Campus Parking Additional lots available include lots south of University Drive. Parking attendants will be on site to direct patrons to the nearest available parking. A map of lot locations can be found here. Patrons parking in Residence Hall (RH) lots will be cited.
Rehearsal, Thursday, April 26th
2:30 United Junior High Choir 3:00 Junior High Honor Band 3:15 Junior High Honor Orchestra 3:30 Finale 4:00 United High School Choir 4:15 United High School Orchestra 4:30 Capital Jazz Choir 4:45 High School Jazz Ensemble 5:00 Kiwanis Choir 5:15 Elementary Honor Choir 5:30 Intermediate Honor Band 5:45 Elementary Honor Orchestra For More Information Contact: Event Information: