
Services for guests with accessible needs

The Guest Services department at Taco Bell Arena strives to provide excellent service to all our guests, including those guests with special needs. Taco Bell Arena provides a full range of accommodations for guests with accessible needs to ensure their safety, comfort and enjoyment of our events and facilities. The following section highlights our services:

Wheelchair Escorts

Upon request, Taco bell Arena provides complimentary wheelchair escorts to guests with special needs. Escorts are available at any entry point or guests may make advance escort arrangements by contacting the Guest Services Manager. Please be aware that our staff will not remain with you during the event, nor will they allow you to remain in the wheelchair for the duration of the event.

Wheelchair Storage

For guests who wish to transfer to a seat from their wheelchair, we will store your wheelchair in a secure location. Our staff will make arrangements to return the wheelchair to you at the end of the event, or any other time you would prefer.

Wheelchair and Accessible Seating Policy

Accessible seating is reserved exclusively for patrons with accessible needs and their companions. Patrons purchasing accessible seating may purchase one (1) accessible seat and three (3) companion seats adjacent to the accessible seat. Depending upon availability, seats for additional guests will be located as close as possible to the accessible space. This policy ensures that we are able to accommodate all those that need accessible seating.

Taco Bell Arena is committed to working with patrons on a case-by-case basis to adequately accommodate individual needs. All ticket sales and exchanges are on a first-come/call, first-serve basis and will depend on ticket availability. There is no guarantee that any companion tickets will remain unsold and available.

Please contact Guest Services or the Box Office with further questions.

Accessible Seating Ticket Purchases

Seating for guests with accessible needs and guests in wheelchairs is available on all levels of the arena. Accessible seating is available for purchase at the Taco Bell Arena Box Office, by calling 208-426-1766, on line at When ordering tickets to accommodate an accessibility issue, it is important to indicate that you require accessible seating so we can properly assist you.

The Arena reserves the right to address fraudulent purchases or requests for accessible seats to the extent provided by law. ADA ticket fraud includes, but is not limited to, the misrepresentation of a disability. Management reserves the right to take appropriate action regarding misrepresentation, which may result in relocation or revocation of tickets, ejection or forfeiture of payment on your seats.

Accessible Parking

Accessible parking is available in the Wes and East Stadium Lots, as well as Lincoln Garage on an event-by-event basis. It is highly recommended that guests with accessible needs pre-purchase designated parking along with their ticket purchase. These spaces, including van-accessible spaces, are designated for vehicles displaying a current state-issued disability placard or license plate. Accessible spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis so please plan accordingly. Please refer to the Parking section of this website for maps, directions and more information.

For our accessible patrons parking in the Lincoln Garage for Taco Bell Arena events, a shuttle will be available from Lincoln Garage to a drop-off point on Bronco Circle; a map depicting this route can be found on all event pages as a Parking Map. Click Here to view the current Taco Bell Arena Parking Map.This map will be updated prior to each event to include the open lots and prices accordingly.

Assistive Listening Devices (ALD)

A limited number of complimentary Assistive Listening Devices are available for hearing-impaired guests at all Taco Bell Arena events. Please contact one of our Guest Services Associates as you enter the building. When checking out a device, guests will be required to leave valid identification such, as a driver’s license, as collateral. Availability is based on first come requests.

Service Animals/Guide Dogs

Animals or pets of any kind are prohibited in Taco Bell Arena with the exception of trained service animals and service animals in training for guests with disabilities. Service animals are welcome inside the venue, but must remain on a leash or in a harness at all times. Service animals will rest in the seating area of the individual with a disability, rather than in the aisle. A guest whose service animal poses a threat to the safety of other Taco Bell Arena guests and employees may be asked to escort the animal off the premises.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Taco Bell Arena personnel have been properly trained in emergency evacuation procedures to ensure the safe evacuation of all patrons, including those guests with disabilities, in the case of an emergency. Pay close attention to instructions from Guest Services Associates.


Concessions staff will make necessary adjustments in selling procedures to accommodate accessible needs of our guests, as well as assist in comprehending the menu.


All restrooms facilities at Taco Bell Arena are designed to accommodate patrons with accessible needs.


Taco Bell Arena is equipped with elevators that access all public areas of the arena at Entrances 1 and 2 (Elevator at Entrance 1 accesses all levels; elevator at Entrance 2 accesses the Parquet and Mezzanine, not the Balcony). Should you require special assistance in reaching your seat, please contact Guest Services in advance or see any Guest Service Associate during the event.

Comments and Suggestions

Taco Bell Arena is committed to working with patrons on a case-by-case basis to adequately accommodate individual needs. We welcome all comments and suggestions. Please feel free to contact Guest Services or Taco Bell Arena at [email protected].