Heading 1 – Style Guide
Lead-In Paragraph: Write out your text then highlight it. In the text editor, click the STYLES button and choose "lead paragraph."
Heading 2
Normal Font: Bold text italicized text This is the default style for text on your site. When you create a new text block and start typing, this is the default text that will appear on the front end of your site unless you choose an alternate style. You can choose styles by clicking on the Paragraph Format button in the text editor (bottom row, second dropdown in from the left, it will say "Normal.") From there, you can choose a heading type or you can choose from various other styles like Lead Paragraph (displayed above), bold, italicized, subscript, superscript, numbered and bulleted lists, or blockquotes, all of which are sampled on this page.
Quote: Write out your quote and then highlight the entire text, including the name of the person being quoted. Click on the quotation marks icon in the text editor. Save.
John Doe, Marketing Director
Heading 3
Bulleted and numbered lists can be created in any text block. Simply write out the list of items, highlight them and then click on the bulleted list icon or the numbered list icon in the text editor. The list will automatically add the numbers/bullets to each item.
- Bulleted Item 1
- Bulleted Item 2
- Bulleted Item 3
- Bulleted Item 4
- Numbered Item 1
- Numbered Item 2
- Numbered Item 3
- Numbered Item 4
Styled Image Left
Place your cursor at the start of the paragraph. Click on the Media button and choose your image. Once it appears in the text block, click on the image so it highlights, go to the Styles button in the text editor and choose either styled image left or styled image right.
Styled Image Right
Place your cursor at the start of the paragraph. Click on the Media button and choose your image. Once it appears in the text block, click on the image so it highlights, go to the Styles button in the text editor and choose styled image right.
Use a horizontal line (as shown above and below this paragraph) to break up text on a page. Write out your text, place your cursor in the desired location of the horizontal line and click on the horizontal line icon in the text editor (bottom row, second button in from the right).
A horizontal line will appear in Showtime to show you where you've placed it. Save.
Heading 4 – FAQs
FAQ lists are a great way to break up text within a page to make it more manageable for the reader. Click on the Add Content button and choose FAQs. Click Add New to start your FAQ list. Enter a title and use the free form description field for all of the information related to that title. That information can include descriptions or simply a link off to a page on the site that can provide the user with all of the information they need, which will avoid duplication of content on the site.
Sample FAQ
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse enim elit, scelerisque sed ullamcorper sed, finibus vitae augue. Nullam ut vehicula nisi. Ut fermentum dolor sit amet augue tempor, a finibus orci faucibus. Sed sollicitudin urna et bibendum ornare. Fusce nibh mauris, pellentesque nec rhoncus ac, dignissim et felis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse enim elit, scelerisque sed ullamcorper sed, finibus vitae augue. Nullam ut vehicula nisi. Ut fermentum dolor sit amet augue tempor, a finibus orci faucibus. Sed sollicitudin urna et bibendum ornare. Fusce nibh mauris, pellentesque nec rhoncus ac, dignissim et felis.
Another FAQ
Duis nec risus id arcu pharetra commodo. Pellentesque et accumsan enim. Aenean id velit rhoncus, ultrices quam id, sollicitudin dolor. Pellentesque suscipit convallis pharetra. Quisque tincidunt ut neque et sodales. Nulla a orci tristique, scelerisque erat ut, ultricies mauris. Sed bibendum, ipsum ullamcorper sodales gravida, mi lectus sagittis lacus, id porta velit eros nec velit. Quisque eu sollicitudin dui. Proin est nulla, tempor a velit et, finibus auctor risus. Donec vitae scelerisque nibh, sit amet rhoncus dui. Morbi sodales eros nisi, non consectetur lorem ullamcorper sit amet. Suspendisse nec congue lacus.
Maecenas at pulvinar nunc. Maecenas tellus dui, commodo vitae diam in, facilisis elementum libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis ante tellus, auctor at nisi et, commodo gravida purus. Proin sed dui scelerisque, posuere sapien iaculis, viverra velit. Pellentesque ligula urna, facilisis vitae gravida a, luctus vitae ante. Etiam mattis est vitae lectus luctus interdum.
Link Lists
If you have a list of items that you want to link, a link list is a far better alternative than simply writing the list out and linking within the text. Add the Link widget, click the Add New button. The Title field is where you place the word that you to display to represent your link, then enter the link in the URL field. A description field is optional. As shown below, bulleted and numbered lists are supported here as well as links within the text. Save.
Spotlight Lists
Spotlights are a fancy link list. They're a great way to incorporate images into the body of your text to make the page more interesting for the viewer.
Sample Spotlight
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse enim elit, scelerisque sed ullamcorper sed, finibus vitae augue. Nullam ut vehicula nisi. Ut fermentum dolor sit amet augue tempor, a finibus orci faucibus. Sed sollicitudin urna et bibendum ornare. Fusce nibh mauris, pellentesque nec rhoncus ac, dignissim et felis.
Another Sample Spotlight
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse enim elit, scelerisque sed ullamcorper sed, finibus vitae augue. Nullam ut vehicula nisi. Ut fermentum dolor sit amet augue tempor, a finibus orci faucibus. Sed sollicitudin urna et bibendum ornare. Fusce nibh mauris, pellentesque nec rhoncus ac, dignissim et felis.
Event List
Events can be brought back into any page based on their promotion type. To add events:
- Click on the Add Content button and choose "Events." The widget will appear at the bottom of page.
- From there, click on the Edit button and choose which promotion type you'd like to bring back onto the page.
- Save and publish.
If you want to create a new promotion type, put a ticket into the Help Desk and one of the Support representatives will set it up for you.
Once you've set this up, the events will automatically display on this page based on the display on date and time set on the Options tab of the event and automatically be removed from this page once the event is over.
News can be brought back into any page. If you have categories for your news items, the system can bring specific news items back based on their category type. You will know if you have news categories when you add the News widget because if you have them, they will display as options on the Edit field, if you don't, it will be blank. To add news:
- Click on the Add Content button and choose "News." The widget will appear at the bottom of page.
- If you don't have news categories, it will bring back all news items.
- If you do have categories, click on the Edit button and choose which category of news you'd like to bring back onto the page.
- Save and publish.
If you want to create a new category type, put a ticket into the Help Desk and one of the Support representatives will set it up for you.
The database of News items is managed under Website > News.
Once you've set this up, the news items will automatically display on this page based on the display on date and time set on the Options tab of the news item.
Concierge List
You can bring back your list of Visitor Guide items onto any page based on their category.
- Click on the Add Content button and choose "Concierge." The widget will appear at the bottom of page.
- Click on the Edit button to choose which category of concierge items you'd like to display on the page.
- Save and publish.
If you want to create a new category type, put a ticket into the Help Desk and one of the Support representatives will set it up for you.
The database of Concierge items is managed under Website > Visitor Guide.
Once you've set this up, the concierge items will automatically display on this page as soon as you publish the item in the Visitor Guide module and will remove itself from this page if you turn it off or delete it.